Our Whole grain Rolled Oats are of the highest grade and freshness, Lab tested Gluten-free Product Description About our Rolled Oats Today Rolled Oats are widely accepted as nutritional powerhouses for dietary fiber and protein. Our Rolled Oats contain a special type of fiber that is especially good for the reduction of cholesterol called beta-glucan. Beta-glucans also aid in the support of the immune system and can help regulate blood sugar. They are also wonderful for soothing irritated skin when used in baths. How to use Soak and consume as porridge Grind and use a flour Bake into Bread, cereal
Which oat variety is the healthiest? While oats themselves are healthy, there are some more nutritious options that keep us fuller for longer. "While all three varieties have undergone a different level of processing, resulting in various cooking times, tastes and textures, they are all nutritious options," Parker said. "They are all derived from whole oat groats, giving them similar nutritional profiles. The few nutritional differences lie in the GI, fibre content and added ingredients." Steel-cut and rolled oats have more fibre -- due to the minimal processing, most of the fibre has been retained in steel and rolled oats. This means they will keep you feeling fuller for longer, which can assist with weight management. Quick/instant oats have been further processed, which means they have a slightly reduced fibre content. Steel-cut and rolled oats have a lower GI -- this means they have a slower release of sugar (from carbohydrates) into your blood. This give you a slow release of energy throughout the morning and keeps you fuller for longer. As opposed to more processed oats, which can provide a quicker burst of energy. Steel-cut and rolled oats have less added sugars -- we often find that instant/quick oats have added flavours (especially the gourmet sachets). It's important to keep an eye out for added sugars (check for flavours like honey or apple and cinnamon and beware of dried fruits). "Our recommendation is to choose traditional rolled oats or steel-cut oats (if you have the time) as these are the least processed," Debenham explained. "Naturally sweeten your oats yourself by adding fresh or frozen berries, banana, pear, or apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon and some crushed nuts. For those who need some more sweetness, or who find it difficult to encourage your kids to eat oats, you can enjoy with a small teaspoon of honey." The bottom line when it comes to oats is: whatever way you cut them, high-quality oats are healthy food. "The key to which is the healthiest option comes down to the degree of processing. The less processed the oat, the lower the glycemic index as your body has to do the mechanical work of processing it (as opposed to the machine doing this). The coarser the oat, the more nutrition they contain, and hence the better they are for us," Parker said.
Lemon oats recipe
Oat Milk Recipe
Oat Quinoa Cookies Recipe
Carrot Cake Overnight Oats
Oil Free Granola
Product Code: Y9PXBj7
weight : 750.0g
Brand: Ananda
Product Condition : New